Seluxit CEO, Daniel Lux, has been nominated for PWC Denmark’s Owner-Manager Award 2020.

The award celebrates Danish owner-managers’ entrepreneurship and business savvy in a year where the COVID-19 crisis presented challenges far beyond the ordinary.

Seluxit has been working on a range of innovative projects, from smart meters to smart AED monitoring to smart lawn mowers. Seluxit is contributing to the CURA project, an international effort transforming shipping containers into intensive-care units.

For the CURA project, Seluxit’s technology will monitor conditions in the intensive-care units. Anomalies in electricity usage can mean faulty equipment, high CO2 levels can adversely affect staff and patients alike, nuances in air pressure can mean that it’s time to replace an air filter, or even that the bio-containment technology has been compromised. Ensuring that the CURA pods are working as intended then frees up staff resources to do what counts: take care of patients.

PWC Denmark’s Owner-Leader Award 2020 is arranged in collaboration with Nykredit Business, the Danish Chamber of Commerce and the newspaper JP Finans. The winner will be announced on the 28 of October.