Data is key for minimizing costs and maximizing uptime in a production line. Vibrations, noises, changes in the pattern of energy use, and other factors can tell you an untold story.

Collecting this data is often a manual process due to the complexity of a production line, but it doesn’t have to be that complex. Retrofitting external sensors in a modular fashion is a effective and straightforward approach. Seluxit’s hardware offerings, directly integrated to Seluxit’s cloud and your ERP, in collaboration with our partners, makes the process fast, secure and hassle free.

This was the essence of the message that Seluxit brought to an interested group of professionals in the Food and Industry beverage in the recent Dynaway Food & Beverage Forum in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Energy Efficiency Dashboard

Energy Efficiency Dashboard

Indenfor få minutter kan du få et rigtig godt indblik i dit energiforbrug med det nye Energi Dashboard fra Seluxit. Udvilingen er en del af et EU støttet projekt - AVES Analysis and Visualisation for Energy Savings - som er lavet i samarbejde med AAU og Systemize."...

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