“This is how Seluxit garnered DKK 26 million and 1.699 new owners”

Thus starts a feature article (Danish language) published on the Danish ICT Industry Association’s website.

The profile piece goes into some depth about the ups and downs of Seluxit’s experience with the IPO process, and ends with CEO, Daniel Lux’ advice for companies that are also considering raising funds through an IPO.

seluxit it-branchen børsnotering
Energy Efficiency Dashboard

Energy Efficiency Dashboard

Indenfor få minutter kan du få et rigtig godt indblik i dit energiforbrug med det nye Energi Dashboard fra Seluxit. Udvilingen er en del af et EU støttet projekt - AVES Analysis and Visualisation for Energy Savings - som er lavet i samarbejde med AAU og Systemize."...

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